11. XML_MAP Transform:
•The XML_Map transform is a data transform engine designed for hierarchical data.
•XML_Map transform can be used to perform a variety of tasks. For example:
• You can create a hierarchical target data structure such as XML or IDoc from a hierarchical source data structure.
• You can create a hierarchical target data structure based on data from flat tables.
• You can create a flat target data set such as a database table from data in a hierarchical source data structure.
•Creation of a flat target data set based on data in a hierarchical source data structure.
•Creation of a hierarchical target data structure based on data from flat tables/Files.
12. Table Comparision:
•Compares two data sets and produces the difference between them as a data set with rows flagged as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE
•Table comparison allows us to check the changes occurred since the last updation of the target
13. Text Data Processing:
•Text data processing takes unstructured data and formats it into a structure to ease reporting.
•While defining the File format for the input, File Format type should be selected as unstructured text type.
14. SQL Transform:
•Performs the indicated SQL query operation
•This transform does not require a data input