The Text Data Processing Language Blue Prints contains a job to perform search on Twitter. Below are some steps in setting this up.
You need to follow the instructions mentioned in page 17 of the "Text Data Processing Language Blueprints User's Guide".
Below is the section you need from that guide.
Below are some screenshots to help you with setting up step 3.
Select My Applications after you logon to the
Click on the button "create a new application".
Enter the application details and click on the create application button
Copy the Consumer key and Consumer secret values from the OAuth settings for the app.
Open the Search.cfg file from the folder where you saved the file
Paste the consumer key and consumer account values to the file.
Back on the Twitter app window, click on "create my access token" button
This will create the "access token" and "access token secret" values. In order to retrieve these values click on the "OAuth tool" tab of the app in the Twitter window as shown below
This will display the consumer key, consumer secret, Access Token and Access Token Secret values as shown below. Copy the Access Token and Access token Secret values from this section as you already have the other two (consumer key and consumer secret).
Paste the values for "Access Token" and "Access Token Secret" to the "Search.chg" file as shown below.
Save and close the Search.chg file.
Now run the "TdpBlueprintEn_Twitter" job.
Also, remember, in order for this job to return values, you need to ensure that there is internet connection available because without that the jobserver cannot load any data into the output tables. The two python files ( and that you copied to the location "\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\Data Services\DataQuality\python\Lib" as mentioned in step 2 of the first screenshot in this message contains the code to access twitter website to perform the search using the authentication keys you entered into the Search.chg file.