Hi All,
The goal of this document is to provide field level details for ACC_DOCUMENT03 idoc, used to load and extract data of Account Receivable and Account Payable in SAP ECC.
We understand that data in SAP are stored in SAP tables, with specific field requirement like data type and Length of field.
Often it’s difficult to memorize the field level details for any table.
In my sincere attempt, I have tried to include the field level details for a particular case of AP/AR
Please find attached the document, to understand the meaning of each and every field in IDOC, its system requirement (mandatory/non Mandatory), field name, description, segment name and table name where the field lies in SAP.
The document is designed segment wise,with each segment differentiated by colors.
System Required | Text Description | SAP Technical | Field Length | Segment Name |
E1BPACHE09 - Header (BSIK) |
| Accounting Document Number | BELNR | 10 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Reference Transaction | AWTYP | 5 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Reference Key | AWKEY | 20 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Logical system of source document | AWSYS | 10 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Business Transaction | GLVOR | 4 | E1BPACHE09 |
* | User Name | USNAM | 12 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Document Header Text | BKTXT | 25 | E1BPACHE09 |
* | Company Code | BUKRS | 4 | E1BPACHE09 |
* | Document Date in Document | BLDAT | 24 | E1BPACHE09 |
* | Posting Date in the Document | BUDAT | 24 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Translation Date | WWERT | 24 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Fiscal Year | GJAHR | 4 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Fiscal Period | MONAT | 2 | E1BPACHE09 |
* | Document Type | BLART | 2 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Reference Document Number | XBLNR | 16 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Cancel: object key (AWREF_REV and AWORG_REV) | OBJ_KEY_R | 20 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Reason for reversal | STGRD | 2 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Component in ACC Interface | COMPO_ACC | 4 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Reference Document Number (for Dependencies see Long Text) | REF_DOC_NO_LONG | 35 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Accounting Principle | ACC_PRINCIPLE | 4 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Indicator: Negative posting | XNEGP | 1 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Invoice Ref.: Object Key (AWREF_REB and AWORG_REB) | OBJ_KEY_INV | 20 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Billing category | BILL_CATEGORY | 1 | E1BPACHE09 |
| Tax Reporting Date | VATDATE | 24 | E1BPACHE09 |
E1BPACGL09 - G/L account item (BSIS) |
* | Accounting_Document_Number | BELNR | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
* | Accounting_Document_Line_Item_Number | BUZEI | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
* | General_Ledger_Account | HKONT | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Item_Text | SGTXT | 50 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Indicator for statistical line items | STAT_CON | 1 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Logical Transaction | LOG_PROC | 6 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Business partner reference key | REF_KEY_1 | 12 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Business partner reference key | REF_KEY_2 | 12 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Reference_key_for_line_item | XREF3 | 20 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Transaction Key | ACCT_KEY | 3 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Account Type | ACCT_TYPE | 1 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Document_Type | BLART | 2 | E1BPACGL09 |
* | Company_Code | BUKRS | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Business_Area | GSBER | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Functional_Area | FKBER | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Plant | WERKS | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Fiscal_Period | MONAT | 2 | E1BPACGL09 |
* | Fiscal_Year | GJAHR | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Posting_Date_in_the_Document | BUDAT | 24 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Value_date | VALUT | 24 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Financial Management Area | FM_AREA | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Customer Number 1 | CUSTOMER | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Indicator: Line item not liable to cash discount? | CSHDIS_IND | 1 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Account Number of Vendor or Creditor | VENDOR_NO | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
* | Assignment_Number | ZUONR | 18 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Sales_Tax_Code | MWSKZ | 2 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Tax Jurisdiction | TAXJURCODE | 15 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Technical Key of External Object | EXT_OBJECT_ID | 34 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Business Scenario in Controlling for Logistical Objects | BUS_SCENARIO | 16 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Cost Object | COSTOBJECT | 12 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Cost_Center | KOSTL | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Activity Type | ACTTYPE | 6 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Profit_Center | PRCTR | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Partner_Profit_Center | PPRCT | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Network Number for Account Assignment | NETWORK | 12 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Work_Breakdown_Structure_Element_(WBS_Element) | PROJK | 24 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Order_Number | AUFNR | 12 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Order Item Number | ORDER_ITNO | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Routing number of operations in the order | ROUTING_NO | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Operation/Activity Number | ACTIVITY | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Condition type | COND_TYPE | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Condition Counter | COND_COUNT | 2 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Level Number | COND_ST_NO | 3 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Fund | FISTL | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Funds_Center | GEBER | 16 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Commitment_Item | FIPOS | 14 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Business Process | CO_BUSPROC | 12 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Main Asset Number | ASSET_NO | 12 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Asset Subnumber | SUB_NUMBER | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Billing Type | BILL_TYPE | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Sales_Order_Number | KDAUF | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Item_Number_in_Sales_Order | KDPOS | 6 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Distribution Channel | DISTR_CHAN | 2 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Division | DIVISION | 2 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Sales Organization | SALESORG | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Sales Group | SALES_GRP | 3 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Sales Office | SALES_OFF | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Sold-to party | SOLD_TO | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Indicator: subsequent debit/credit | DE_CRE_IND | 1 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Partner profit center for elimination of internal business | P_EL_PRCTR | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Indicator: Update quantity in RW | XMFRW | 1 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Quantity | MBGBTR | 48 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Base_Unit_of_Measure | MEINB | 3 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Actual Invoiced Quantity | INV_QTY | 48 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Billing quantity in stockkeeping unit | INV_QTY_SU | 48 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Sales unit | SALES_UNIT | 3 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Quantity in order price quantity unit | PO_PR_QNT | 48 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Order price unit (purchasing) | PO_PR_UOM | 3 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Quantity in Unit of Entry | ENTRY_QNT | 48 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Unit of Entry | ENTRY_UOM | 3 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Volume | VOLUME | 48 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Volume unit | VOLUMEUNIT | 3 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Gross Weight | GROSS_WT | 48 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Net weight | NET_WEIGHT | 48 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Weight unit | UNIT_OF_WT | 3 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Item category in purchasing document | ITEM_CAT | 1 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Material_Number | MATNR | 18 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Material Type | MATL_TYPE | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Movement Indicator | MVT_IND | 1 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Revaluation | REVAL_IND | 1 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Origin Group as Subdivision of Cost Element | ORIG_GROUP | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Material-related origin | ORIG_MAT | 1 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Sequential number of account assignment | SERIAL_NO | 2 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Partner account number | PART_ACCT | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Trading partner's business area | TR_PART_BA | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Company ID of trading partner | TRADE_ID | 6 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Valuation Area | VAL_AREA | 4 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Valuation Type | VAL_TYPE | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Reference Date | ASVAL_DATE | 24 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Purchasing Document Number | PO_NUMBER | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Item Number of Purchasing Document | PO_ITEM | 5 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Item number of the SD document | ITM_NUMBER | 6 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Condition Category (Examples: Tax, Freight, Price, Cost) | COND_CATEGORY | 1 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Functional Area Long | FUNC_AREA_LONG | 16 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Commitment Item Long | CMMT_ITEM_LONG | 24 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Grant | GRANT_NBR | 20 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Transaction Type | CS_TRANS_T | 3 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Funded Program | MEASURE | 24 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Segment for Segmental Reporting | SEGMENT | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Partner Segment for Segmental Reporting | PARTNER_SEGMENT | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Document Number for Earmarked Funds | RES_DOC | 10 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Earmarked Funds: Document Item | RES_ITEM | 3 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Billing Period of Performance Start Date | BILLING_PERIOD_START_DATE | 24 | E1BPACGL09 |
| Billing Period of Performance End Date | BILLING_PERIOD_END_DATE | 24 | E1BPACGL09 |
| PPA Exclude Indicator | PPA_EX_IND | 1 | E1BPACGL09 |
| PPA Fast Pay Indicator | FASTPAY | 1 | E1BPACGL09 |
E1BPACAR09 - Customer Item (BSID) |
| Accounting Document Number | BELNR | 10 | E1BPACAR09 |
* | Accounting Document Line Item Number | ITEMNO_ACC | 10 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Customer Number 1 | KUNNR | 10 | E1BPACAR09 |
| General Ledger Account | HKONT | 10 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Business partner reference key | XREF1 | 12 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Business partner reference key | XREF2 | 12 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Reference key for line item | XREF3 | 20 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Company Code | BUKRS | 4 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Business Area | GSBER | 4 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Terms of Payment Key | ZTERM | 4 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Baseline Date For Due Date Calculation | ZFBDT | 24 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Days for first cash discount | ZBD1T | 3 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Days for second cash discount | ZBD2T | 3 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Deadline for net conditions | ZBD3T | 3 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Percentage for First Cash Discount | ZBD1P | 5 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Percentage for Second Cash Discount | ZBD2P | 5 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Payment method | ZLSCH | 1 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Payment Method Supplement | UZAWE | 2 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Payment Reference | KIDNO | 30 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Dunning keys | MSCHL | 1 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Dunning block | MANSP | 1 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Payment block key | ZLSPR | 1 | E1BPACAR09 |
| VAT Registration Number | STCEG | 20 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Assignment Number | ZUONR | 18 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Item Text | SGTXT | 50 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Partner Bank Type | BVTYP | 4 | E1BPACAR09 |
| State Central Bank Indicator | LZBKZ | 3 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Stores | BUPLA | 4 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Section Code | SECCO | 4 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Account number of the branch | FILKD | 10 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Currency for automatic payment | PYCUR | 5 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Amount in Payment Currency | DMBTR | 23 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Credit control area | KKBER | 4 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Short Key for a House Bank | HBKID | 5 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Supplying Country | LANDL | 3 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Sales Tax Code | MWSKZ | 2 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Tax Jurisdiction | TAXJURCODE | 15 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Date Relevant for Determining the Tax Rate | TAX_DATE | 24 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Special G/L Indicator | UMSKZ | 1 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Alternative payee | KNRZA | 10 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Bank type of alternative payer | ALT_PAYEE_BANK | 4 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Dunning Area | MABER | 2 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Technical Case Key (Case GUID) | CASE_GUID | 32 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Profit Center | PRCTR | 10 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Fund | GEBER | 10 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Grant | GRANT_NBR | 20 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Funded Program | MEASURE | 24 | E1BPACAR09 |
| ID for account details | HKTID | 5 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Document Number for Earmarked Funds | KBLNR | 10 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Earmarked Funds: Document Item | KBLPOS | 3 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Long Fund (Obsolete) | FUND_LONG | 20 | E1BPACAR09 |
| Dispute Management: Dispute Interface Category | DISPUTE_IF_TYPE | 1 | E1BPACAR09 |
E1BPACAP09 - Vendor Item (BSIK) |
| Accounting Document Number | BELNR | 10 | E1BPACAP09 |
* | Accounting Document Line Item Number | ITEMNO_ACC | 10 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Account Number of Vendor or Creditor | LIFNR | 10 | E1BPACAP09 |
| General Ledger Account | HKONT | 10 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Business partner reference key | XREF1 | 12 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Business partner reference key | XREF2 | 12 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Reference key for line item | XREF3 | 20 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Company Code | BUKRS | 4 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Business Area | GSBER | 4 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Terms of Payment Key | ZTERM | 4 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Baseline Date For Due Date Calculation | ZFBDT | 24 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Days for first cash discount | ZBD1T | 3 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Days for second cash discount | ZBD2T | 3 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Deadline for net conditions | ZBD3T | 3 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Percentage for First Cash Discount | ZBD1P | 5 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Percentage for Second Cash Discount | ZBD2P | 5 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Payment Method | ZLSCH | 1 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Payment Method Supplement | UZAWE | 2 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Payment Block Key | ZLSPR | 1 | E1BPACAP09 |
| State Central Bank Indicator | LZBKZ | 3 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Supplying Country | LANDL | 3 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Service Indicator (Foreign Payment) | DIEKZ | 1 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Assignment Number | ZUONR | 18 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Item Text | SGTXT | 50 | E1BPACAP09 |
| ISR Subscriber Number | PO_SUB_NO | 11 | E1BPACAP09 |
| ISR Check Digit | PO_CHECKDG | 2 | E1BPACAP09 |
| ISR Reference Number | PO_REF_NO | 27 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Withholding Tax Code | QSSKZ | 2 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Stores | BUPLA | 4 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Section Code | SECCO | 4 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Instruction key 1 | DTWS1 | 2 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Instruction key 2 | DTWS2 | 2 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Instruction key 3 | DTWS3 | 2 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Instruction key 4 | DTWS4 | 2 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Account number of the branch | FILKD | 10 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Currency for Automatic Payment | PYCUR | 5 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Amount in Payment Currency | DMBTR | 23 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Special G/L Indicator | UMSKZ | 1 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Sales Tax Code | MWSKZ | 2 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Date Relevant for Determining the Tax Rate | TAX_DATE | 24 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Tax Jurisdiction | TAXJURCODE | 15 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Alternative Payee | ALT_PAYEE | 10 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Bank type of alternative payer | ALT_PAYEE_BANK | 4 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Partner Bank Type | BVTYP | 4 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Short Key for a House Bank | HBKID | 5 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Profit Center | PRCTR | 10 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Fund | GEBER | 10 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Grant | GRANT_NBR | 20 | E1BPACAP09 |
| Funded Program | MEASURE | 24 | E1BPACAP09 |
| ID for Account Details | HKTID | 5 | E1BPACAP09 |
E1BPACCR09 - Currency Items (BSIK) |
| Accounting Document Number | BELNR | 10 | E1BPACCR09 |
| Accounting Document Line Item Number | BUZEI | 10 | E1BPACCR09 |
| Currency Type and Valuation View | CURR_TYPE | 2 | E1BPACCR09 |
| Currency Key | WAERS | 5 | E1BPACCR09 |
| Amount in document currency | WRBTR | 23 | E1BPACCR09 |
| Exchange rate | EXCH_RATE | 9 | E1BPACCR09 |
| Indirect quoted exchange rate | EXCH_RATE_V | 9 | E1BPACCR09 |
| Tax Base Amount in Document Currency | AMT_BASE | 23 | E1BPACCR09 |
| Amount eligible for cash discount in document currency | SKFBT | 23 | E1BPACCR09 |
| Cash discount amount in the currency of the currency types | DISC_AMT | 23 | E1BPACCR09 |
| Amount in document currency | TAX_AMT | 23 | E1BPACCR09 |
Hope this would be helpful to all of us.
Mayank Mehta