Hi All,
The goal of this document is to provide field level details for Debmas idoc, used to load and extract data of Customer Master in SAP.
In our daily job, often we come across a scenario where we need to load data into SAP or extract data from SAP for Customer/Employee/Vendor/Material etc.
We understand that data in SAP are stored in SAP tables, with specific field requirement like data type and Length of field.
Often it’s difficult to memorize the field level details for any table.
In my sincere attempt, I have tried to include the field level details for a particular case of Customer Master.
In Customer Master, we can load the data in, as well as extract from, SAP, using DEBMAS idoc.
Please find attached the document, to understand the meaning of each and every field in IDOC, its system requirement (mandatory/non Mandatory), field name, description, segment name and table name where the field lies in SAP.
The document is designed segment wise.
System Required(Mandatory/NON Manadatory) | Text Description | SAP Technical | Field Length | Segment Name |
E1KNA1M - Basic Data (KNA1) | ||||
* | Customer Number 1 | KUNNR | 10 | E1KNA1M |
| Title | ANRED | 15 | E1KNA1M |
| Central order block for customer | AUFSD | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Express train station | BAHNE | 25 | E1KNA1M |
| Train station | BAHNS | 25 | E1KNA1M |
| International location number (part 1) | BBBNR | 7 | E1KNA1M |
| International location number (Part 2) | BBSNR | 5 | E1KNA1M |
| Authorization Group | BEGRU | 4 | E1KNA1M |
| Industry key | BRSCH | 4 | E1KNA1M |
| Check digit for the international location number | BUBKZ | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| Data communication line no. | DATLT | 14 | E1KNA1M |
| Central billing block for customer | FAKSD | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Account number of the master record with the fiscal address | FISKN | 10 | E1KNA1M |
| Account number of an alternative payer | KNRZA | 10 | E1KNA1M |
| Group key | KONZS | 10 | E1KNA1M |
* | Customer Account Group | KTOKD | 4 | E1KNA1M |
| Customer classification | KUKLA | 2 | E1KNA1M |
* | Country Key | LAND1 | 3 | E1KNA1M |
| Account Number of Vendor or Creditor | LIFNR | 10 | E1KNA1M |
| Central delivery block for the customer | LIFSD | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| City Coordinates | LOCCO | 10 | E1KNA1M |
| Central Deletion Flag for Master Record | LOEVM | 1 | E1KNA1M |
* | Name 1 | NAME1 | 35 | E1KNA1M |
| Name 2 | NAME2 | 35 | E1KNA1M |
| Name 3 | NAME3 | 35 | E1KNA1M |
| Name 4 | NAME4 | 35 | E1KNA1M |
| Nielsen ID | NIELS | 2 | E1KNA1M |
* | City | ORT01 | 35 | E1KNA1M |
| District | ORT02 | 35 | E1KNA1M |
| PO Box | PFACH | 10 | E1KNA1M |
| PSTL2 | 10 | E1KNA1M |
| Postal Code | PSTLZ | 10 | E1KNA1M |
| Region (State, Province, County) | REGIO | 3 | E1KNA1M |
| County Code | COUNC | 3 | E1KNA1M |
| City Code | CITYC | 4 | E1KNA1M |
| Regional Market | RPMKR | 5 | E1KNA1M |
* | Sort field | SORTL | 10 | E1KNA1M |
| Central posting block | SPERR | 1 | E1KNA1M |
* | Language Key | SPRAS | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| Tax Number 1 | STCD1 | 16 | E1KNA1M |
| Tax Number 2 | STCD2 | 11 | E1KNA1M |
| Indicator: Business Partner Subject to Equalization Tax? | STKZA | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| Liable for VAT | STKZU | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| House number and street | STRAS | 35 | E1KNA1M |
| Telebox number | TELBX | 15 | E1KNA1M |
| First telephone number | TELF1 | 16 | E1KNA1M |
| Second telephone number | TELF2 | 16 | E1KNA1M |
| Fax Number | TELFX | 31 | E1KNA1M |
| Teletex number | TELTX | 30 | E1KNA1M |
| Telex number | TELX1 | 30 | E1KNA1M |
* | Transportation zone to or from which the goods are delivered | LZONE | 10 | E1KNA1M |
| Indicator: Alternative payee in document allowed ? | XZEMP | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| Company ID of trading partner | VBUND | 6 | E1KNA1M |
| VAT Registration Number | STCEG | 20 | E1KNA1M |
| Legal status | GFORM | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Industry Code 1 | BRAN1 | 10 | E1KNA1M |
| Industry code 2 | BRAN2 | 10 | E1KNA1M |
| Industry code 3 | BRAN3 | 10 | E1KNA1M |
| Industry code 4 | BRAN4 | 10 | E1KNA1M |
| Industry code 5 | BRAN5 | 10 | E1KNA1M |
| Year For Which Sales are Given | UMJAH | 4 | E1KNA1M |
| Currency of sales figure | UWAER | 5 | E1KNA1M |
| Yearly number of employees | JMZAH | 6 | E1KNA1M |
| Year for which the number of employees is given | JMJAH | 4 | E1KNA1M |
| Attribute 1 | KATR1 | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Attribute 2 | KATR2 | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Attribute 3 | KATR3 | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Attribute 4 | KATR4 | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Attribute 5 | KATR5 | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Attribute 6 | KATR6 | 3 | E1KNA1M |
| Attribute 7 | KATR7 | 3 | E1KNA1M |
| Attribute 8 | KATR8 | 3 | E1KNA1M |
| Attribute 9 | KATR9 | 3 | E1KNA1M |
| Attribute 10 | KATR1 | 3 | E1KNA1M |
| Natural Person | STKZN | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| Field of length 16 | UMSA1 | 16 | E1KNA1M |
| Tax Jurisdiction | TXJCD | 15 | E1KNA1M |
| Fiscal Year Variant | PERIV | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Reference Account Group for One-Time Account (Customer) | KTOCD | 4 | E1KNA1M |
| PO Box city | PFORT | 35 | E1KNA1M |
| Indicator for Data Medium Exchange | DTAMS | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| Instruction key for data medium exchange | DTAWS | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Hierarchy assignment (batch input) | HZUOR | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| ID for mainly non-military use | CIVVE | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| ID for mainly military use | MILVE | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| Tax type | FITYP | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Tax Number Type | STCDT | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Tax Number 3 | STCD3 | 18 | E1KNA1M |
| Tax Number 4 | STCD4 | 18 | E1KNA1M |
| Customer is ICMS-exempt | XICMS | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| Customer is IPI-exempt | XXIPI | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| Customer group of Substituicao Tributaria calculation- old!! | XSUBT | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| Customer's CFOP category | CFOPC | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Tax law: ICMS | TXLW1 | 3 | E1KNA1M |
| Tax law: IPI | TXLW2 | 3 | E1KNA1M |
| Indicator for biochemical warfare for legal control | CCC01 | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| Indicator for nuclear nonproliferation for legal control | CCC02 | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| Indicator for national security for legal control | CCC03 | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| Indicator for missile technology for legal control | CCC04 | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| Central sales block for customer | CASSD | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Customer condition group 1 | KDKG1 | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Customer condition group 2 | KDKG2 | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Customer condition group 3 | KDKG3 | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Customer condition group 4 | KDKG4 | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Customer condition group 5 | KDKG5 | 2 | E1KNA1M |
| Central deletion block for master record | NODEL | 1 | E1KNA1M |
| Customer group of Substituicao Tributaria calculation | XSUB2 | 3 | E1KNA1M |
| Plant | WERKS | 4 | E1KNA1M |
E1KNVVM - Sales Data (KNVV) | ||||
* | Customer Number 1 | KUNNR | 10 | E1KNVVM |
* | Sales Organization | VKORG | 4 | E1KNVVM |
* | Distribution Channel | VTWEG | 2 | E1KNVVM |
* | Division | SPART | 2 | E1KNVVM |
| Authorization Group | BEGRU | 4 | E1KNVVM |
| Deletion flag for customer (sales level) | LOEVM | 1 | E1KNVVM |
| Customer Statistics Group | VERSG | 1 | E1KNVVM |
| Customer order block (sales area) | AUFSD | 2 | E1KNVVM |
* | Pricing procedure assigned to this customer | KALKS | 1 | E1KNVVM |
| Customer group | KDGRP | 2 | E1KNVVM |
| Sales district | BZIRK | 6 | E1KNVVM |
| Price group (customer) | KONDA | 2 | E1KNVVM |
| Price list type | PLTYP | 2 | E1KNVVM |
| Order probability of the item | AWAHR | 3 | E1KNVVM |
| Incoterms (Part 1) | INCO1 | 3 | E1KNVVM |
| Incoterms (Part 2) | INCO2 | 28 | E1KNVVM |
| Customer delivery block (sales area) | LIFSD | 2 | E1KNVVM |
| Complete delivery defined for each sales order? | AUTLF | 1 | E1KNVVM |
| Maximum Number of Partial Deliveries Allowed Per Item | ANTLF | 2 | E1KNVVM |
| Partial delivery at item level | KZTLF | 1 | E1KNVVM |
| Order Combination Indicator | KZAZU | 1 | E1KNVVM |
| Batch split allowed | CHSPL | 1 | E1KNVVM |
| Delivery Priority | LPRIO | 2 | E1KNVVM |
| Shipper's (Our) Account Number at the Customer or Vendor | EIKTO | 12 | E1KNVVM |
* | Shipping Conditions | VSBED | 2 | E1KNVVM |
| Billing block for customer (sales and distribution) | FAKSD | 2 | E1KNVVM |
| Manual invoice maintenance | MRNKZ | 1 | E1KNVVM |
| Invoice dates (calendar identification) | PERFK | 2 | E1KNVVM |
| Invoice list schedule (calendar identification) | PERRL | 2 | E1KNVVM |
| Currency | WAERS | 5 | E1KNVVM |
| Account assignment group for this customer | KTGRD | 2 | E1KNVVM |
* | Terms of Payment Key | ZTERM | 4 | E1KNVVM |
| Delivering Plant | VWERK | 4 | E1KNVVM |
| Sales Group | VKGRP | 3 | E1KNVVM |
| Sales Office | VKBUR | 4 | E1KNVVM |
| Item proposal | VSORT | 10 | E1KNVVM |
| Customer group 1 | KVGR1 | 3 | E1KNVVM |
| Customer group 2 | KVGR2 | 3 | E1KNVVM |
| Customer group 3 | KVGR3 | 3 | E1KNVVM |
| Customer group 4 | KVGR4 | 3 | E1KNVVM |
| Customer group 5 | KVGR5 | 3 | E1KNVVM |
| Indicator: Customer Is Rebate-Relevant | BOKRE | 1 | E1KNVVM |
| Exchange Rate Type | KURST | 4 | E1KNVVM |
| Relevant for price determination ID | PRFRE | 1 | E1KNVVM |
| Customer classification (ABC analysis) | KLABC | 2 | E1KNVVM |
| Customer payment guarantee procedure | KABSS | 4 | E1KNVVM |
| Credit control area | KKBER | 4 | E1KNVVM |
| Sales block for customer (sales area) | CASSD | 2 | E1KNVVM |
| Switch off rounding? | RDOFF | 1 | E1KNVVM |
| Indicator: Relevant for agency business | AGREL | 1 | E1KNVVM |
| Unit of Measure Group | MEGRU | 4 | E1KNVVM |
| Overdelivery tolerance limit (BTCI) | UEBTO | 4 | E1KNVVM |
| Underdelivery tolerance (BTCI) | UNTTO | 4 | E1KNVVM |
| Unlimited overdelivery allowed | UEBTK | 1 | E1KNVVM |
| Customer procedure for product proposal | PVKSM | 2 | E1KNVVM |
| Relevant for POD processing | PODKZ | 1 | E1KNVVM |
| Timeframe for Confirmation of POD (BI) | PODTG | 11 | E1KNVVM |
| Indicator: Doc. index compilation active for purchase orders | BLIND | 1 | E1KNVVM |
| Carrier is to be notified | CARRIER_NOTIF | 1 | E1KNVVM |
E1KNVPM - Partner Roles (KNVP) | ||||
* | Customer Number 1 | KUNNR | 10 | E1KNVPM |
* | Sales Organization | VKORG | 4 | E1KNVPM |
* | Distribution Channel | VTWEG | 2 | E1KNVPM |
* | Division | SPART | 2 | E1KNVPM |
* | Partner Function | PARVW | 2 | E1KNVPM |
* | Customer number of business partner | KUNN2 | 10 | E1KNVPM |
| Default Partner | DEFPA | 1 | E1KNVPM |
| Customer description of partner (plant, storage location) | KNREF | 30 | E1KNVPM |
| Partner counter | PARZA | 3 | E1KNVPM |
E1KNVIM - Tax Indicators (KNVI) | ||||
* | Customer Number 1 | KUNNR | 10 | E1KNVIM |
* | Sales Organization | VKORG | 4 | E1KNVIM |
* | Distribution Channel | VTWEG | 2 | E1KNVIM |
* | Division | SPART | 2 | E1KNVIM |
* | Departure country (country from which the goods are sent) | ALAND | 3 | E1KNVIM |
* | Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...) | TATYP | 4 | E1KNVIM |
* | Tax classification for customer | TAXKD | 1 | E1KNVIM |
E1KNVLM - Licenses (KNVL) | ||||
* | Customer Number 1 | KUNNR | 10 | E1KNVLM |
* | Sales Organization | VKORG | 4 | E1KNVLM |
* | Distribution Channel | VTWEG | 2 | E1KNVLM |
* | Division | SPART | 2 | E1KNVLM |
* | Departure country (country from which the goods are sent) | ALAND | 3 | E1KNVLM |
* | Tax category (sales tax, federal sales tax,...) | TATYP | 4 | E1KNVLM |
* | License number | LICNR | 15 | E1KNVLM |
* | Valid-From Date | DATAB | 8 | E1KNVLM |
* | Valid To Date | DATBI | 8 | E1KNVLM |
| Confirmation for licenses | BELIC | 1 | E1KNVLM |
E1KNB1M - Company Code (KNB1) | ||||
* | Customer Number 1 | KUNNR | 10 | E1KNB1M |
* | Company Code | BUKRS | 6 | E1KNB1M |
| Posting block for company code | SPERR | 1 | E1KNB1M |
| Deletion Flag for Master Record (Company Code Level) | LOEVM | 1 | E1KNB1M |
| Key for sorting according to assignment numbers | ZUAWA | 3 | E1KNB1M |
| Accounting clerk | BUSAB | 2 | E1KNB1M |
* | Reconciliation Account in General Ledger | AKONT | 10 | E1KNB1M |
| Authorization Group | BEGRU | 4 | E1KNB1M |
| Head office account number (in branch accounts) | KNRZE | 10 | E1KNB1M |
| Account number of an alternative payer | KNRZB | 10 | E1KNB1M |
| Indicator: Payment notice to customer (with cleared items)? | ZAMIM | 1 | E1KNB1M |
| Indicator: payment notice to sales department? | ZAMIV | 1 | E1KNB1M |
| Indicator: payment notice to legal department? | ZAMIR | 1 | E1KNB1M |
| Indicator: Payment notice to the accounting department ? | ZAMIB | 1 | E1KNB1M |
| Indicator: payment notice to customer (w/o cleared items)? | ZAMIO | 1 | E1KNB1M |
| List of the Payment Methods to be Considered | ZWELS | 10 | E1KNB1M |
| Indicator: Clearing between customer and vendor ? | XVERR | 1 | E1KNB1M |
| Block key for payment | ZAHLS | 1 | E1KNB1M |
* | Terms of Payment Key | ZTERM | 4 | E1KNB1M |
| Terms of payment key for bill of exchange charges | WAKON | 4 | E1KNB1M |
| Interest calculation indicator | VZSKZ | 2 | E1KNB1M |
| Key date of the last interest calculation | ZINDT | 8 | E1KNB1M |
| Interest calculation frequency in months | ZINRT | 2 | E1KNB1M |
| Our account number at customer | EIKTO | 12 | E1KNB1M |
| User at customer | ZSABE | 15 | E1KNB1M |
| Memo | KVERM | 30 | E1KNB1M |
| Planning group | FDGRV | 10 | E1KNB1M |
| Export credit insurance institution number | VRBKZ | 2 | E1KNB1M |
| Amount Insured | VLIBB | 14 | E1KNB1M |
| Insurance lead months | VRSZL | 4 | E1KNB1M |
| Deductible percentage rate | VRSPR | 4 | E1KNB1M |
| Insurance number | VRSNR | 10 | E1KNB1M |
| Insurance validity date | VERDT | 8 | E1KNB1M |
| Collective invoice variant | PERKZ | 1 | E1KNB1M |
| Indicator: Local processing? | XDEZV | 1 | E1KNB1M |
| Indicator for periodic account statements | XAUSZ | 1 | E1KNB1M |
| Bill of exchange limit (in local currency) | WEBTR | 14 | E1KNB1M |
| Next payee | REMIT | 10 | E1KNB1M |
| Date of the last interest calculation run | DATLZ | 8 | E1KNB1M |
| Indicator: Record Payment History ? | XZVER | 1 | E1KNB1M |
| Tolerance group for the business partner/G/L account | TOGRU | 4 | E1KNB1M |
| Probable time until check is paid | KULTG | 4 | E1KNB1M |
| Short Key for a House Bank | HBKID | 5 | E1KNB1M |
| Indicator: Pay all items separately ? | XPORE | 1 | E1KNB1M |
| Subsidy indicator for determining the reduction rates | BLNKZ | 2 | E1KNB1M |
| Previous Master Record Number | ALTKN | 10 | E1KNB1M |
| Key for Payment Grouping | ZGRUP | 2 | E1KNB1M |
| Short Key for Known/Negotiated Leave | URLID | 4 | E1KNB1M |
| Key for dunning notice grouping | MGRUP | 2 | E1KNB1M |
| Key of the Lockbox to Which the Customer Is To Pay | LOCKB | 7 | E1KNB1M |
| Payment Method Supplement | UZAWE | 2 | E1KNB1M |
| Account Number of Buying Group | EKVBD | 10 | E1KNB1M |
| Selection Rule for Payment Advices | SREGL | 3 | E1KNB1M |
| Indicator: Send Payment Advices by EDI | XEDIP | 1 | E1KNB1M |
| Release Approval Group | FRGRP | 4 | E1KNB1M |
| Reason Code Conversion Version | VRSDG | 3 | E1KNB1M |
| Accounting clerk's fax number at the customer/vendor | TLFXS | 31 | E1KNB1M |
| Personnel Number | PERNR | 8 | E1KNB1M |
| Internet address of partner company clerk | INTAD | 130 | E1KNB1M |
| Payment Terms Key for Credit Memos | GUZTE | 4 | E1KNB1M |
| Activity Code for Gross Income Tax | GRICD | 2 | E1KNB1M |
| Distribution Type for Employment Tax | GRIDT | 2 | E1KNB1M |
| Value Adjustment Key | WBRSL | 2 | E1KNB1M |
| Deletion bock for master record (company code level) | NODEL | 1 | E1KNB1M |
| Accounting clerk's telephone number at business partner | TLFNS | 30 | E1KNB1M |
| Accounts Receivable Pledging Indicator | CESSION_KZ | 2 | E1KNB1M |
| Customer is in execution | GMVKZD | 1 | E1KNB1M |
E1KNB5M - Reminder Data (KNB5) | ||||
* | Customer Number 1 | KUNNR | 10 | E1KNB5M |
* | Company Code | BUKRS | 6 | E1KNB5M |
| Dunning Area | MABER | 2 | E1KNB5M |
| Dunning Procedure | MAHNA | 4 | E1KNB5M |
| Dunning block | MANSP | 1 | E1KNB5M |
| Last dunned on | MADAT | 8 | E1KNB5M |
| Dunning level | MAHNS | 1 | E1KNB5M |
| Account number of the dunning recipient | KNRMA | 10 | E1KNB5M |
| Date of the legal dunning proceedings | GMVDT | 8 | E1KNB5M |
| Dunning clerk | BUSAB | 2 | E1KNB5M |
E1KNBKM - Bank Details and Bank Master | ||||
* | Customer Number 1 | KUNNR | 10 | E1KNBKM |
* | Bank country key | BANKS | 3 | E1KNBKM |
* | Bank number | BANKL | 15 | E1KNBKM |
* | Bank account number | BANKN | 18 | E1KNBKM |
| Bank Control Key | BKONT | 2 | E1KNBKM |
| Partner Bank Type | BVTYP | 4 | E1KNBKM |
| Indicator: Is there collection authorization ? | XEZER | 1 | E1KNBKM |
| Reference specifications for bank details | BKREF | 20 | E1KNBKM |
| Account Holder Name | KOINH | 35 | E1KNBKM |
| Date (batch input) | KOVON | 8 | E1KNBKM |
| Date (batch input) | KOBIS | 8 | E1KNBKM |
E1KNVKM - Contact Person (KNVK) | ||||
* | Customer Number 1 | KUNNR | 10 | E1KNVKM |
| Number of contact person | PARNR | 10 | E1KNVKM |
| First name | NAMEV | 35 | E1KNVKM |
| Name 1 | NAME1 | 35 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's department at customer | ABTPA | 12 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person department | ABTNR | 4 | E1KNVKM |
| Higher-level partner | UEPAR | 10 | E1KNVKM |
| First telephone number | TELF1 | 16 | E1KNVKM |
| Form of address for contact person (Mr, Mrs...etc) | ANRED | 30 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person function | PAFKT | 2 | E1KNVKM |
| Partner's Authority | PARVO | 1 | E1KNVKM |
| VIP Partner | PAVIP | 1 | E1KNVKM |
| Partner's gender | PARGE | 1 | E1KNVKM |
| Partner language | PARLA | 1 | E1KNVKM |
| Date of Birth | GBDAT | 8 | E1KNVKM |
| Representative number | VRTNR | 10 | E1KNVKM |
| Call frequency | BRYTH | 4 | E1KNVKM |
| Buying habits | AKVER | 2 | E1KNVKM |
| Advertising material indicator | NMAIL | 1 | E1KNVKM |
| Notes about contact person | PARAU | 40 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person: Attribute 1 | PARH1 | 2 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person: Attribute 2 | PARH2 | 2 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person: Attribute 3 | PARH3 | 2 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person: Attribute 4 | PARH4 | 2 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person: Attribute 5 | PARH5 | 2 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Monday morning from ... | MOAB1 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Monday morning until ... | MOBI1 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Monday afternoon from ... | MOAB2 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Monday afternoon until ... | MOBI2 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Tuesday morning from... | DIAB1 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Tuesday morning until ... | DIBI1 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Tuesday afternoon from.. | DIAB2 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Tuesday afternoon until ... | DIBI2 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Wednesday morning from... | MIAB1 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Wednesday morning until ... | MIBI1 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Wednesday afternoon from .. | MIAB2 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Wednesday afternoon until.. | MIBI2 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Thursday morning from .... | DOAB1 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Thursday morning until .... | DOBI1 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Thursday afternoon from... | DOAB2 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Thursday afternoon until .. | DOBI2 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Friday morning from ... | FRAB1 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Friday morning until ... | FRBI1 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Friday afternoon from ... | FRAB2 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Friday afternoon until ... | FRBI2 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Saturday morning from ... | SAAB1 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Saturday morning until ... | SABI1 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Saturday afternoon from ... | SAAB2 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Saturday afternoon until .. | SABI2 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Sunday morning from ... | SOAB1 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Sunday morning until ... | SOBI1 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Sunday afternoon from ... | SOAB2 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person's visiting hours: Sunday afternoon until ... | SOBI2 | 6 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person: Attribute 6 | PAKN1 | 3 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person: Attribute 7 | PAKN2 | 3 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person: Attribute 8 | PAKN3 | 3 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person: Attribute 9 | PAKN4 | 3 | E1KNVKM |
| Contact person: Attribute 10 | PAKN5 | 3 | E1KNVKM |
| Sort field | SORTL | 10 | E1KNVKM |
| Marital Status Key | FAMST | 1 | E1KNVKM |
| Nickname | SPNAM | 10 | E1KNVKM |
| Title of contact person (description of function) | TITEL_AP | 5 | E1KNVKM |
E1KNKKM - Credit Management Control Area Data (KNKK) | ||||
* | Customer Number 1 | KUNNR | 10 | E1KNKKM |
* | Credit control area | KKBER | 4 | E1KNKKM |
* | Field of length 16 | KLIMK | 16 | E1KNKKM |
| Customer's account number with credit limit reference | KNKLI | 10 | E1KNKKM |
| Credit management: Risk category | CTLPC | 3 | E1KNKKM |
| Last internal review | DTREV | 8 | E1KNKKM |
| Indicator: Blocked by credit management ? | CRBLB | 1 | E1KNKKM |
| Credit representative group for credit management | SBGRP | 3 | E1KNKKM |
| Next internal review | NXTRV | 8 | E1KNKKM |
| Credit information number | KRAUS | 11 | E1KNKKM |
| do not use - replaced by DBPAY_CM | PAYDB | 2 | E1KNKKM |
| do not use - replaced by DBRTG_CM | DBRAT | 3 | E1KNKKM |
| Last review (external) | REVDB | 8 | E1KNKKM |
| Customer Credit Group | GRUPP | 4 | E1KNKKM |
| Reference Date | SBDAT | 8 | E1KNKKM |
| Customer Group | KDGRP | 8 | E1KNKKM |
| Payment Index | DBPAY | 3 | E1KNKKM |
| Rating | DBRTG | 5 | E1KNKKM |
| Recommended credit limit | DBEKR | 17 | E1KNKKM |
| Date Monitoring | DBMON | 8 | E1KNKKM |
Hope this would be helpful for all.
Mayank Mehta