This document describes the inbuilt capability of SAP Data Services(DS) to send emails to the support user or user group. SMTP_To() function or MAIL_To() inbuilt functions help SAP DS application to send email across recipient support user(s). This document exposes the SMTP configurations and working functionality of SMTP_To() function.
SMTP_To() Function:
SMTP_To() function helps to send the job information through an e-mail to the recipient(s) via an SMTP server. It also captures the specified number of lines in the trace and error logs. This function is typically used in a script, for example in a conditional clause, while loop, or try-catch block.
smtp_to(<recipients_list>, <subject>, <message>, <number_of_trace_log_lines>, <number_of_error_log_lines>)
Parameter's description:
Parameter | Description |
Recipients List | Recipient mail or mail list should be provided in this parameter. |
Subject | Subject of the email should be mentioned in this parameter. |
Message | Message body with the complete job information should be framed and provided in this parameter. |
Number of Trace log lines | Non negative integer value should be specified. Those number of last lines of the trace log will be printed in the email. |
Number of Error log lines | Non negative integer value should be specified. Those number of last lines of the error log will be printed in the email. |
Pre-requisties to use SMTP_To() function,
- SMTP server should be configured on the server machine and
- Host server and Sender email address should be maintained in SAP BODS Server Manager.
SMTP Server Configurations:
1.Installing SMTP Tools in Server:
To configure SMTP server on the machine, the server machine should have SMTP tools installed on it.
For this, Launch Server Manager, under Features Summary:
- Select “Add Features” option available at the right.
- Select SMTP Server feature.
- Click ‘Install’ as in below figures and follow the required steps.
2. Adding SMTP Server:
To add SMTP server on the machine,
Go to Adminstrative Tools >> Internet Information Services (IIS) >> Expand 'Server'>> Right click on ‘SMTP Virtual Sever’ >> Select 'Properties'
When you select properties following properties Screen opens. Provide the IP address in ‘General’ tab.
Next follow the below steps,
a. Go to ‘Access’ tab >> Select ‘Authentication’ box >> Check ‘Anonymous access’ option >> Select ‘Ok’
Select ‘Connection’ box >> Check ‘All except the list below’ >> Select ‘Ok’
Select ‘Relay’ box >> Check ‘All except the list below’ >> Select ‘Ok'
b. Go to ‘Delivery’ Tab
Select ‘Outbound Security’ >> Check ‘Anonymous access’ >> Select ‘Ok’
Select ‘Advanced’ box >> Provide the server domain or IP address(same as provided‘General’ Tab) >> Select ‘Ok’
That’s all in the IIS. Now we have to jump to SAP BODS Server Manager to configure smtp settings for smtp_to() function.
3.Adding sender email id in SAP DS Server Manager:
Go to SAP DS Server Manger >> “Miscellaneous” Tab >> Proved Server and Sender Email Id >> Select ‘Apply’ >> Restart the Server Manager
4. SAP BODS sample Batch Job:
Below figure shows the data flow designed in a batch job which captures the error details when the job got terminated and sends email.
To log an error wrong path is given to the source file and Try-Catch block is used to capture this exceptional error of the job and used a Script inside to send the email containing all the error job information.
Above script is having two examples,
1.Provided ‘Message body for email’ manually as ‘Job Stopped due to Error’:
smtp_to( ' ,','JOB ERROR STATUS1', 'Job stopped due to Error', 10, 10);
2. Passed ‘error_message()’ function to a variable and used this variable in the ‘Message’ parameter dynamically.
smtp_to(' ,,','JOB ERROR STATUS2', '{$G_ErrorMessage}', 10, 10);
An email will be sent to all the recipients mentioning the Error Message and Last 10 lines of Trace and Monitor logs of the job.