The purpose of this document is to create Batch Script to START/ STOP 'Server Intelligence Agent' (SIA) & Tomcat Application on Windows Server Step-by-Step for SAP Business Objects Data Services.
Environment Details:
Operating system: Windows Server 2008 64 Bit
Database:Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
Web Application:Tomcat
SAP Business Objects Tools:SAP Business Objects Information Platform Services 4.1 SP2; SAP Data Services 4.1 SP2
Repository version:BODS 4.X
Requirement of script is to automate housekeeping activity during off business hours.
In this post, I will go through the necessary steps to create/ setup and schedule a batch script to START/ STOP Tomcat Application/Server Intelligence Agent/SAP Business Objects Data ServicesApplication service on Windows 2008 Server.
Steps can be followed for SAP BusinessObjects XI3.0, XI3.1 & BI4.0 or BI4.1 or BOIPS 4.X:
- Scripts can be scheduled on multiple Windows Servers across the network
- It can be very well utilized in those environments where backup activities happens automatically using 3rd party tools
- Same script can be embedded with the Backup tools to ensure BI services get stopped and start automatically during and after the backup process starts/ finishes.
Configuration Steps for Automate SAP Business Objects Application:
Step I: Create script for automate stop of Tomcat, Data Services & Server Intelligence Agent Application
- Log in to Windows Server using Administrator account/ Domain user_id.
- Go to (START >> Administrative Tools >> Services)
- Look for the service called as ‘Apache Tomcat for BI 4’
- Go to its properties screen and COPY its service name, for e.g. (BOEXI40Tomcat)
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- Look for the service called as ‘SAP Data Services’
- Go to its properties screen and COPY its service name, for e.g. (DI_JOBSERVICE)
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- Look for the service called as ‘Apache Tomcat for BI 4’
- Go to its properties screen and COPY its service name, for e.g. (BOEXI40SIABI4SERVER)
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- Create 3 batch scripts file for Stop SAP Business Objects Application – follow below screenshots to create using Notepad
Batch Script File 1 >>
- Open Notepad and type following mentioned in screenshot for Stop Tomcat Application
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- Open Notepad and type following mentioned in screenshot for Stop SAP Business Objects Data Services Application
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- Open Notepad and type following mentioned in screenshot for Stop SAP Business Objects Services Application
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Step II: Create script for automate start of Tomcat, Data Services & Server Intelligence Agent Application
- Create 3 batch scripts file for Start SAP Business Objects Application – follow below screenshots to create using Notepad
Batch Script File 2 >>
- Open Notepad and type following mentioned in screenshot for Start Tomcat Application
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- Open Notepad and type following mentioned in screenshot for Start SAP Business Objects Data Services Application
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- Open Notepad and type following mentioned in screenshot for Stop SAP Business Objects Services Application
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Step III: Now you can schedule above BATCH file using Windows Scheduler or other 3rd Party Tools, Currently I am using Windows Scheduler in this blog
- Go to, (START >> Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Task Scheduler)
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1. Create a New Folder “Tomcat Script”
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2. Click on BOBJ Script Folder and Create Task
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3. On the General tab, Set the NAME/ DESCRIPTION for the task:
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4. On Triggers Tab, click on new button and set the followings:
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5. On Actions Tab, click on New button and set the followings:
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6. In the setting window select ‘BO_TOMCATSTOP_Script’.bat’ file from Automate Script directory
7. Set the following settings on Conditions & Settings tab
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8. Click on Ok button, program will prompt for Username/ Password window, please enters the domain credentials.
9.Task scheduler will show the created task as follows:
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10. Repeat the # 2 to 7 for Stop Tomcat, Start & Stop SIA and Finally Start & Stop Data Services script
11. One completed, task scheduler window should look like as follows:
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- In this step select the 2nd script created to start the Tomcat Application, Start & Stop SIA, Start & Stop Data Services
- As per the backup activity and the duration required for entire process, set the Start time of the script accordingly.
- This is to ensure Tomcat Application has sufficient time to shut-down and restart tomcat services appropriately.
Step III: You can also monitor the services below is the list of exe of SAP Business Objects Application Services
S.No | BusinessObjects Server | Windows Deployment |
1 | 32-bit Connection Server | ConnectionServer32.exe |
2 | 64-bit Connection Server | ConnectionServer.exe |
3 | Tomcat Application | tomcat7.exe |
4 | Adaptive Job Server | JobServer.exe |
5 | Adaptive Job Server Child | JobServerChild.exe |
6 | Central Management Server | cms.exe |
7 | Crystal Reports 2011 Processing Server | crproc.exe |
8 | Crystal Reports Cache Server | crcache.exe |
9 | Dashboards Cache Server | xccache.exe |
10 | Dashboards Processing Server | xcproc.exe |
11 | Event Server | EventServer.exe |
12 | File Server | fileserver.exe |
13 | Report Application Server | crystalras.exe |
14 | Web Intelligence Processing Server | wireportserver.exe |
15 | SAP Data Services Job Server | al_engine.exe |
16 | SAP Data Services Access Server | al_accessserver.exe |
Step IV: Now you can check the log file status.
Log File Status:
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After completion of Windows schedule job below is the log file status
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Status in Log File, For e.g Tomcat_Stoplog
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& Tomcat_Startlog
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Reference Material:
- For execution of Batch Script below are the rights required for Domain User (For Windows Environement)
- Below Rights required in Domain Server for execution of Batch Script.
- Act as part of the operating system
- Allow log on locally
- Create a token object
- Log on as a batch job
- Log on as a service
- Replace process level token
SAP Knowledge Base Article:
1305228 - How to start or stop SIA and Tomcat with command line or Windows scripts in Business Objects XI3.x?
1203539 - How to use a Windows script to start or stop BusinessObjects services
1287046 - How to use Windows script to start or stop BusinessObjects services
for Business Objects XI 3.0?
1406782 - How do you schedule a batch script for stopping and restarting the SIA properly on Windows platform?
1634962 - BI4 - How to import or export a LifeCycle Manager BIAR file using command line utility
2058607 - How to restart BI4.1 Explorer services automatically on linux using a script?
1292866 - How to Automatically start services which go down in BOE XI R2