In this Document, I would like to share my experience in Installing and configuring IPS 4.1 SP02 for Data services.
Best Practice: Before installing SAP IPS 4.1 SP02, we may want to consider disabling any virus protection software to avoid installation performance degradation.
Log on to Windows Server that will host IPS 4.1 SP02
Select the IPS setup file and run as administrator
Click ‘Install and wait for “Software” to unpack. The files are unpacked to a sub-directory.
At this point we select the language.
Click on OK to proceed with the installation process
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The next screen that pops up is Prerequisite screen. This screen will show us, whether we are missing any optional or critical prerequisites. For our installation we have passed all prerequisites and a little more detail on them is below.
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- Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or higher - This is an optional prerequisite and it is checking to see if we have .NET framework 3.5 or higher.
- Suppressed Reboot - This is a critical Prerequisite. It is checking to see if there are any file changes pending or if the system is in need of a reboot before proceeding.
- Windows Server version - This is a critical prerequisite. It will check if our version of Windows is a supported windows version compatible with IPS.
- 64 bit Operating system - This is a critical Prerequisites. It will ensure we are installing IPS to a 64 bit operating system.
The next screen is the setup screen. It will ensure that we close all other programs before running.(Running Applications)
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The next screen that comes up is the License Agreement screenImage may be NSFW.
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The next screen is the place where we need to enter the product key code for IPS 4.1Image may be NSFW.
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The next screen that comes up is the Language packs screen. Here is where we can choose the Language packs that we need to be installed or if we want all of them to be installed we can check the box that has all languages.Image may be NSFW.
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The next screen that comes up is the Choose Install Type screen. We went with Full version.Image may be NSFW.
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The options are
- Full- This Installs a complete Information Platform Services install.
- Custom/Expand - With a Custom install we can choose the components that we want to be installed.An Expanded install is when we want to expand an already existing environment. (add another server to an existing configuration is an example)
- WebTier - This is used when we only want to install a webtier.
The next screen that comes up is the Destination Folder screen. This is where we select what directory we would like to install IPS to. In our case we selected ( D:\Programfiles(x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\)
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The next screen that comes up is the select the database screen. On this screen we can choose if we want to install and use the default bundled database that comes with IPS or use an existing database
In our case we chose use and existing Database. If we choose use an existing database we will want to ensure the database schema is setup properly as per the Supported Platforms guide and the IPS Install guide Preparation section.
If the database is on a different server than the server we are installing, we also want to ensure the DB client is setup correctly.(Test the Connectivity)
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The next screen is to select existing CMS database type. In this screen we will select what type of Database we need for CMS. We selected Microsoft SQL server using ODBC.
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The next screen is to select existing Auditing database type. In this screen we will select what type of Database we need for Auditing database.We selected Microsoft SQL server using ODBC.
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The next screen that comes up is to Select Java Web Application Server screen.
There will be three options to this screen:
Install Tomcat Application Server and automatically deploy web applications and services- In this option we can choose whether we want to use the existing bundled tomcat server that IPS provides. The installation will install tomcat and also automatically deploy the Web applications needed for IPS.
Manually deploy to a preinstalled web application server- We can use this if we are not going to use the bundled tomcat application server that IPS provides. With this option we want to make sure we are using a supported application server that is compatible with IPS. After the install we can follow the instructions to manually deploy to this application server.
Install Web Application Container Server and automatically deploy web applications. We can select this option if we want to use Web Applications.
In our case we went with Install Tomcat Application Server and automatically deploy web applications and services.
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The next screen that comes up is Configure version Management. Here we have to select the options like install the subversion or do not configure a version control of system at this time. In our case we went with do not configure a version control of system at this time.
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The next screen that comes up is the configure Server Intelligent Agent (SIA)
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This is where we configure the Server Intelligent agent Node name and port. We will notice the Node name is by default the server name this can be changed to whatever node name we want. And the default port for the SIA is 6410 this can also be changed to any open available port. We are going to stay with the defaults.
The next screen that comes up is the Configure Central Management Server. This screen is asking for what port we would like our CMS running on. The default port for the CMS is 6400 although this can be changed to any open port.
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he next screen that comes up is the Configure CMS Account screen. This is where we can setup the Enterprise Authentication Administrator account password. This is where we can also setup the cluster key we would like to have.
A cluster key is used to encrypt all the cryptographic keys in the CMS repository. Without the correct cluster key we cannot access the CMS. We can set the cluster key when we install.
The next screen that comes up is the Configure CMS repository Screen. This screen is where we can fill out the SQL DB information so when the CMS is installed.
In our case we went selected both the DSQ_CMS and DSQ_Audit under the system DSN
In This screen we configured DSQ_CMS
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In This screen we configured DSQ_Audit
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The next screen that comes up is the screen to Configure tomcat. This is where we can put the Port information. These ports can be any open port but we can use the defaults which are the default ports for tomcat.
Connection Port 8080
Shutdown Port 8005
Redirect Port 8443
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The next screen that comes up is the Configure Connectivity Solution Manager Diagnostic agent. Solution Manager is a tool provided for diagnostics of systems. If we already have an existing Solution Manager we can provide the details here in order to connect this installation to solution manager SMD agent. In our case we do not have a solution Manager, so we selected "do not configure connectivity to solution manager".
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The next screen that comes up is the Introscope Integration screen. This is where we can integrate Introscope which is also a diagnostic tool. If we already have Introscope installed, we can select the option to integrate connectivity then we can provide the details.
We can see more information on configuring Introscope in the Installation guide. Since we do not have Introscope installed we selected Do not integrate connectivity to Introscope Enterprise Manager.
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The next screen that comes up is the start installation screen. Once we choose next on this screen the installation begins for IPS
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Once we select next we will notice the installation starting upImage may be NSFW.
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The next screen is the post Installation screen.
For our post install instructions it tells us to log onto the Central Management console for any other configuration we need and also tells us how to access the monitoring tool from the CMS. This is standard post Install instructions. The next screen that comes up is the screen telling us IPS has been successfully installed.
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