BODI - 1111205 is a common error when trying to generate ABAP code for an ABAP dataflow so as to utilise the "Execute Preloaded" option of the SAP Datastore option.
As shown in Fig 1 if the error message is "RS_CORR_INSERT:2", then this pertains to the authorisations for the SAP user credentials that is being used for the ABAP code generation.
RS_CORR_INSERT is a standard function module in SAP systems.
The source code for this FM can be viewed using the transaction code SE37 on your SAP system. This function module has three exceptions. These are
In case of the error message in Fig 1, the code returned by SAP is "2". This means that the authorizations for the user credentials used to connect to SAP on the SAP Datastore does not have the relevant permissions for generating ABAP Code.
Solution - Check with BASIS to resolve the authorization issue.
The two key roles that are required for the user to be able to generate ABAP code are
1. ABAP Transport Creation
2. ABAP Developer
Contact SAP BASIS to ensure that these roles are assigned to the user that is assigned for connecting to SAP using the SAP Datastore in Data Services.